Category: Guides

  • Traefik Reverse Proxy in Docker with TLS Certs

    Traefik Reverse Proxy in Docker with TLS Certs

    Credits Reverse Proxies and setting up authentication on them can be very hard to wrap your head around and get working at first. While I will do my best to […]

  • The Ultimate Virtualized TrueNAS Guide

    The Ultimate Virtualized TrueNAS Guide

    I’ve been running TrueNAS Core virtualized under Proxmox for all of my storage management for the better part of two years now. For my purposes up until now, a very […]

  • pfSense Stats in Grafana

    pfSense Stats in Grafana

    The pfSense web dashboard is a good enough solution for seeing brief statistics about your network. However, using Grafana to view this data instead of logging into the pfSense dashboard […]

  • Setting up Grafana – Simplified

    Setting up Grafana – Simplified

    Grafana is a great tool for getting insights into your homelab or just to look at some pretty graphs; however, it is notorious for being quite a chore to set […]

  • Deploying Python Code to Docker, the Easy Way

    Deploying Python Code to Docker, the Easy Way

    After teaching myself Python through a few projects, I can finally 24/7 host them on something other than an old laptop: my new virtulization server (post coming soonish). I heard […]